
Understanding the Language of Digital Music Rights

Account Abstraction
A feature that makes it easier for you to use NIM’s system without understanding complex technical details. It’s like having a friendly interface that simplifies your interactions with the platform, making tasks like managing your rights and receiving payments more straightforward.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Computer programs that can learn and make decisions similar to how humans think. In NIM’s system, AI is used to recognize your music, monitor its use across the internet, and provide insights about how your music is performing.

A secure digital record-keeping system that stores information in a way that’s very difficult to change or hack. NIM uses blockchain to create a trustworthy record of your music rights and transactions.

Content Recognition
The ability of NIM’s system to identify your music, even when altered or used in different contexts. This technology helps track where and how your music is used across various platforms.

The legal right protects your original musical creations, giving you control over how your work is used and distributed. NIM’s system is designed to help you manage and protect these rights effectively.

NIM’s specialized system for securely recording and managing music rights using blockchain technology. It creates a tamper-proof record of your ownership and rights transactions.

Each piece of music registered in NIM’s system is assigned a unique digital identifier. This identifier is like a fingerprint for your song, helping to track and manage its rights across different platforms.

A feature that allows you to divide ownership of your music into smaller parts, which can be useful for collaborations or when you want to sell portions of your rights.

A digital token that represents value and can be exchanged for other currencies is used within NIM’s system. It’s a way to participate in the broader digital economy related to music rights.

Decentralized Storage
A method of storing your music and its associated information across multiple computers rather than in one central location. This approach enhances security and makes your data more resistant to loss or tampering.

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)
A U.S. law that addresses copyright issues in the digital age. NIM’s system is designed to help you comply with this and similar laws around the world.

Dynamic Pricing
A feature that allows the price for using your music to change automatically based on factors like demand or the type of use. It helps ensure you’re getting fair compensation for your work in different contexts.

Fingerprinting Technology
A method used by NIM to create a unique digital signature for your music. This “fingerprint” helps the system identify your music quickly and accurately, even if it’s been altered.

Governance Token
A type of digital token that gives you voting rights on decisions about how NIM’s platform is run and developed. It’s a way for you to have a say in the future of the system you’re using.

A process used in NIM’s system to create a unique digital fingerprint of your music or its associated data. This helps in verifying the authenticity and integrity of your information.

Immutable Ledger
A record-keeping system where information, once entered, cannot be altered or deleted. NIM uses this to create a permanent and trustworthy record of your music rights.

NIM’s system’s ability to work smoothly with other music industry platforms and technologies ensures that rights management isn’t limited to just one system.

Important information about your music, such as the title, your name as the creator, the release date, and rights information. NIM helps you manage this data effectively to ensure your music is properly identified and credited.

NIM Utility Token (NUT)
A digital token is used within NIM’s system for various purposes, including participating in the Power of Content staking system and accessing certain platform features.

Non-Fungible Token (NFT)
A unique digital asset that can represent ownership of a specific piece of music or associated rights. It’s a way to create and sell unique digital versions of your work.

Power of Content (PoC) Staking
A system in NIM where you can back your music with digital tokens to show your confidence in it. This can influence how prominently your music is featured on the platform.

Quantum-Resistant Cryptography
Advanced security measures NIM uses to protect your music rights against potential future threats from very powerful computers known as quantum computers.

Real-Time Monitoring
NIM’s system continuously and instantly tracks how your music is used across various platforms. This keeps you informed and ensures proper compensation.

ROY Token
A digital token used specifically for royalty payments within NIM’s system. It’s designed to make receiving payments for your music faster and more efficient.

Semantic Analysis
A technology NIM uses to understand the context in which your music is being used helps determine whether the use is authorized or fair.

Smart Contract
An automated agreement that carries out its terms automatically when certain conditions are met. NIM uses these for things like licensing agreements and royalty distributions.

The process of representing rights or ownership of your music as digital tokens. This can make managing and trading partial rights to your music easier.

Version Control
A system that keeps track of changes made to your music’s information over time, helping you manage updates and maintain an accurate work history.