In the news

The Fair Music Project is presented by a consortium of 3 organizations: the International Music Council, New Internet Media, and the Swedish Society of Songwriters, Composers, and Authors.

The EU, NIM, IMC, and SKAP signed the agreement on 1st December. With NIM's white-labeled technical solution, the transparent, correct, and cost-efficient transfer of royalties can be done almost in real-time. SKAP addresses the need to counter fake streams, fake artists, and outdated systems, allowing these to increase over the years.

Skap was founded in 1926 and is a membership association for music creators in Sweden with approximately 1,600 professional members – mostly active music creators and composers across all genres. The association’s purpose is to strengthen copyright and thereby improve music creators’ income opportunities as well as their artistic freedom of expression. The association, along with FST and Musikförläggarna, is one of the three associations that each have two permanent seats on the Board of STIM, to represent rights holders.

is an international, non-profit organization based in Brussels and composed by more than 55 associations of composers and songwriters in more than 25 different European countries. It represents around 30,000 music creators and was founded in 2007

The Fair Music Project is an initiative the International Music Council led in partnership with New Internet Media and SKAP. Its goal is to address disparities in the music streaming system, particularly for emerging artists. Funded by the EU’s Creative Europe Programme, the project focuses on ensuring fair compensation for streams, stakeholder consultations, development of a technical platform, and advocacy for equitable music streaming practices. It emphasizes capacity-building for artist's legal analysis and aims to improve compensation models in the streaming industry

Legrand Network, a Paris-based media and consultancy company focusing on news, trends and intelligence for the creative sector. Legrand Network is the publisher of the Creative Industries News platform and its associated weekly newsletter, covering news related to the creative sector and the copyright-driven economies in the digital eco-system.


They present essential topics related to cybersecurity policy in plain English. Their goal is to inform while stimulating productive dialogues about security.

Sofia, Bulgaria 26th October 2023
“We are looking at SoAlive music conference not as a stage for entertainment, but rather as a platform for music education and growth.” – Mariya Gabriel, Bulgaria’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs.